Collections of Significance

Partin Family Special Collection

  • This contains over 1400 names from a wide array of families. The oldest individual was born in the 1500s. The format will allow for various reports to be printed. Link

Sue Scott's Database on RootsWeb (The Webmaster is working to restore Sue Scott’s Database to RootsWeb in the meantime please contact webmaster for information.)

  •  Before Sue's passing in May 2013, she provided a copy of her extensive database of over 40,000 names - a lifetime of research.  Her desire was to share her work yet that, though unfinished, it remain unchanged.

    Many of us failed to tell Sue how much we loved her when we had the chance but we will demonstrate our love and respect by faithfully honoring her wishes now.

John Campbell Collection

  • This collection covers 15 families. Some researched in depth by Mr. Campbell and others based on information provided by others. Information is provided in GedCom and FTW formats along with a Descendants Chart for each family.

Margaret Coppinger Collection - Index

  • The Margaret Brown Coppinger / Beersheba Springs Historical Society's Collection has been purchased by this web site in a digitized format. The collection has over 22,000 images.

  • DVDs are now available to Regional Historical Societies and Libraries.

Descendants of Abraham Hargis

  • Includes 4,000 descendants with references to over 8,000 individuals touching many Grundy County families. A well documented research guide.

Kunz Family Collection

Roy Schild Collection

  • Marugg, Stampfli, Tate, and Schild Families.

  • Includes some Hi-Res photos.

Campbell Collection - 2

  • 74 Families completed in the 1990's

George Thomas Collection

  • Adams, Davis, Dykes, Gregory, Kilgore, McFarland, Metcalfe, Rollings, Summers, Thomas, Trussell, and Walker



"Rebels, Saints, and Sinners " (Large File - Dropbox)

  • By Dennis A. Tate (With authors permission)

  • This 360 page book provides a detailed description of both the Tate and Savage families as well as various other individuals connected to them by marriage or regional association. As well written a book as you will find.

"Sain Clan of Middle Tennessee"

"First Families" from Beersheba Springs - A History (Check for newer version)


Family Web Sites

This an experiment where a web sub-site is created to feature a specific family in greater detail.  This site has the capability to host 10 to 20 of these sub sites.  It will be up to individual families to develop the information for the programmers to use.


Charles and Elizabeth Rubley Family

Henry and Nancy Overturf (Under Construction)