About http://grundycountyhistory.org
http://grundycountyhistory.org site was created and managed for many years by Ralph Thompson. Mr. Thompson gathered materials and made them available online out of his passion for Grundy County and the rich history of the area.
The site has been updated and is now being managed by the Grundy County Historical Society. The Society wishes to thank Mr. Thompson’s family for providing the material. Those interested in the history of Grundy County owe Mr. Thompson a debt of gratitude for his diligent work in maintaining this material.
Much of the content and material available in this online library originated from Mr. Thompson’s work. Nearly all of the original content from the Mr. Thompson’s original site has been replicated here. If you find something missing or incorrect of If you are aware of other resources that would contribute to this collection, please contact the webmaster at webmaster@grundycountyhistory.org
For a short period of time, we will keep the original site available. It can be accessed at grundych.org
Comments, questions and submittals for publication should be directed to: webmaster@grundycountyhistory.org